Sunday, August 8, 2010

Eureka: Crossing Over by Heather M

Previously on Eureka, the 1947 flashback and return to 2010 nets:

• Healthy Kevin
• No Zane for Jo
• Fargo as the head of GD
• Carter reunited with Tess then re-broken up
• Henry has a smokin’ hot wife, Grace
• Dr. Charles “Old Spice” Grant jumped back with them

The episode opens at the top of the morning, with Carter running into Allison at Café Diem. He gripes a bit about Jo’s reality TV watching. She’s on a coffee errand to load Charles up with caffeine while he tries to kick cigarettes and she guinea pigs GD’s new nicotine therapy on him. Carter asks if that will involve immense pain and suffering and teases her about Charles being such a flirt and she tells him Charles said she has nice gams. To prove the point, she sashays off in a skirt that’s a scoche short for a gal our age (you go!) and Carter laughs that he knows that already.

Outside Carter runs into Henry and they commiserate about Jack’s 1947 kiss with Allison Henry’s smokin’ hot stranger wife, whom he doesn’t want not to know anymore. Fargo descends, in the middle of making POTUS-level preparations for the VIP guest coming up the road in a blacked out SUV. Vincent’s provided an array of savory and sweet treats and Jo stands by as the security detail. Carter makes a comment that this isn’t The Bachelor, which gets a “says you” response from Fargo. The SUV arrives and out pops Claudia (from Warehouse 13) onto the red carpet (complete with velvet ropes and balloons). Fargo beams and she takes in the scene with a shy but cheery “’sup, bitches?”


Claudia recaps Warehouse 13 history with Fargo and he introduces the crew. Carter leans to Zane (who’s there trying to scam free treats) and says this isn’t going to end well. Claudia inquires about the goo she’s come to fetch, a neutralizing insulation, ostensibly designed to help the Warehouse 13 folks safely transport artifacts, which of course will become this week’s McGuffin ingredient.

We resume at Henry’s garage where Charles is oddly enough rocking out to “Car Wash” on the radio and pronouncing 70’s music to be “off the hook” while they test out portal possibilities with the bridge device. Grace returns from a trip, and greets her husband with a kiss and a cuddle while Charles excuses himself and restarts the music. Henry begins to spin her to the music and as things slow down she asks him to show her how much he missed her and he stammers a bit and begs off the nookie in favor of work and she’s left standing there with “Did that just happen?” look.

Cut to Charles smoking and playing piano (in his 40s style office at GD) as Allison enters with the coffee (which has got to be cold by now, just saying) and she talks to him about having to quit smoking and he flirts with her some more. Out in the rotunda, Claudia is wrapping her grand tour but is looking for a bigger bang when Eureka delivers via redwoods that suddenly sprout out of the lobby floor and up through the ceiling. To which she smiles, “Now that’s more like it,” while the rest of the crew greets it with a “what now?”

Henry, Grace, Jack, and Claudia confab about tree rings and realize the trees are 1947 era. Carter beams because he knew that on his own. Henry and Claudia depart and Grace corners Jack and asks if there’s someone else and Jack reassures her that’s absolutely not a concern. She worries about what’s changed and she tells Jack that she just wants her husband back and Jack files that away.

At Carpe Diem, Jo is picking up a healthy smoothie as Charles pops in and asks Vince harden his heart with a bypass special, to which he swoonily agrees. Charles lights up and his GD nicotine device zaps him like a bug zapper. Jo begins to chastise him about smoking but collapses mid-argument and is rushed into GD, where Allison finds that the latest 1947-era relic to bounce into 2010 is a ginormous unfired rifle shell currently sitting way too close to Jo’s heart. She orders surgery.

Claudia and Fargo walk with Carter and bandy about artifacts, teleportation, and particle physics and ID a potential suspect. Back in the hospital at GD, Zane is by Jo’s bedside when she wakes up, and for a moment you can see she’s trying to sort out whether all of the 1947/2010 mashup was a dream and then Zane speaks and she remembers this is the new Zane and yet, he was still worried. He gives her grief about passively aggressively doing drivebys of his lab every day and then takes leave after handing her a military magazine get well gift. It’s a start. Allison comes over with the bullet, which Jo can readily confirm is 1947 era.

Claudia tags along with Carter to Cafe Diem to interview the physicist suspect when the room starts to shimmy. Claudia asks if it’s an earthquake and Carter says they should be so lucky. When the dust settles, they find a WW2 era plane sitting in the middle of the café. Let’s do the time warp…

When we pick back up, the agreement is that the plane is circa 1947 but brand new, and the physicist and Claudia discuss displacement vs. wormholes. Henry asks for Claudia’s help and she happily takes off with Fargo to do field work (in a field) to check radiation signatures. Henry and Jack argue when Henry admits that this is all likely happening because of the teeny tiny test he and Charles did that morning.

Out in the field, Fargo and Claudia chat about her and Todd breaking up and Fargo is mid-happy dance when the radiation signatures spike and they find themselves in a 1947 mine field, where Claudia promptly steps on a mine. Back at Henry’s garage, Carter is still pissed and Charles insists the test shouldn’t have caused the issue, until they realize the magnet from the bridge device is pulling things into 2010 from 1947, and the two may well collapse into one another.

Just about then, Charles starts to cough. He keeps coughing and Carter realizes that Charles himself is the actual magnet. Even though Charles is coming undone, literally, he worries that he would still be a magnet if he’s dead and Henry says they need to neutralize him. Carter has the Eureka moment of the week when he suggests they dip Charles into Fargo’s goo to stop the shuffling time boundaries. The price? Charles doesn’t ever get to go back home. Just then a WWII rocket breaks through the wall and seals the deal, and Charles says to goo him.

Outside, Claudia and Fargo argue over how to get her away from the mine and come up with a way to delay the timer. Fargo catches her as she leaps off the mine, which goes boom. They fall to the ground and commence with joyous smoochies only to have the familiar click of another mine interrupt them. This one is under Fargo’s noggin.

Back at GD, they’re prepping the goo. Jo is still working from her sick bed and she sees the explosion on her monitor and sends Carter off to the mine field to get Claudia and Fargo. The goo procedure commences and Charles starts flailing and makes the Leslie Nielsen joke about picking a bad day to quit smoking. They realize they can reprogram Charles’ nicotine patch so he won’t disintegrate, do so, and start the procedure again.

All of the 1947 items, except Charles, return home. At the garage, a frustrated Grace is working on a car and Henry comes in. He speaks very sweetly to her and she softens. He apologizes for being distant and she says she can wait for him to sort himself out, but she can’t help him if he won’t let her in. He sweeps her away from the car and they start dancing. She smiles. Baby steps.

Charles is back in his GD office and signing the bridge out of Eureka (but he keeps the bulb). Allison talks to him about missing home and he says he is home now. He thanks her for saving his life and rounds back to buying her drink and she agrees to meet him.

At S.A.R.A.H., Jo is on the couch, fondling her engagement ring and Carter comes in with two beers. They commiserate about Allison and Charles and she tells Carter that Charles isn’t him. He says he doesn’t trust him and she says he needs to nut up and do something about it. He asks her about Zane and she says she sees glimpses of the old Zane who loved her. She asks if they’re having “girl talk,” and he says no, they’re having “guy talk.” They clink glasses and resume TV watching.

Fargo walks Claudia out of GD with a gift basket of Fargo swag and talks her into taking the bridge device back to Warehouse 13 (sequel?). He offers her a job if she ever wants it and she begs off but leaves him with another big smooch before she heads out.

You can catch season four episodes of Eureka on Hulu and Syfy eight days after they air.

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