Sunday, August 15, 2010

Drop Dead Diva: Will & Grayson by Kara Howland

I don’t know about you but I knew Jane would never date a married man – not the old Jane and certainly not the new Jane. I also had my suspicions about who ended things between Vanessa and Will. I’m glad the truth came to light.

Grayson and Vanessa. Let’s start there. I have to admit I’m already kinda bored with this relationship. I really like Jaime Ray Newman (in fact, I think she’s great on Eureka right now) but she isn’t doing anything for me here. But she is a great romantic foil. There has to be something or someone keeping Grayson and Jane apart and she’s a good enough excuse. Things were a bit more interesting when Kim was that romantic foil – although I’m really enjoying her relationship with Parker and how Jane is managing to get her little digs in about it this week– but I guess I can’t have everything I want.

Anyway, back to tonight’s episode. During the course of Grayson’s case, he discovers that Vanessa has an ex-fiancé Will Casey who also happens to be the defendant in his case. He is closing up shop and moving his factory down to Mexico. His competitor is essentially running him out of town. Grayson gets this case because Vanessa represents Will and it’s a conflict of interest. There are two interesting things that come out of this case (at least for me): a) Grayson learns that Vanessa lied to him about her relationship but also discovers why it ended and b) Grayson finds out a way to keep the company local and saves over 100 people from the unemployment line. Oh, I guess there’s one more thing we learn: c) Will is a pretty good guy. Grayson knows he doesn’t like to loose, but he’s willing to overlook that for the good of his employees. I do have a question though. If Grayson was able to find out how to save Will’s company, why wasn’t Will? It didn’t take Grayson that long to come up with a good solution. I’m just sayin’.

Jane and Todd. Although Todd’s wife Hope Prentiss believes Jane broke up her marriage, there’s not enough evidence to go on to believe this is the case. But since Jane only has Deb’s memories, there’s no way to know what really happened unless she can track Todd down and discover the truth. Since Hope has pictures of Jane and Tony emerging from a motel it shouldn’t be that hard. Jane and her trusty sidekick Jane go to the motel and find a pair of prescription sunglasses Todd must have left behind. Terri works her magic and Jane finds Todd, who is very surprised to see her. After she explains to him that she has no memories from before the shooting Todd tells her what was actually going on. He discovered some dirty cops in his division and he was working with Jane so she could bring the evidence to the D.A. But when Jane got shot, Todd felt he had to go on the run since the dirty cops were framing him.

Now that Jane really knows what’s going on it’s up to her to find the audio evidence, which Todd gave to her 8 months ago, and get Todd out of trouble. When she does discover the recording the judge won’t allow it in to evidence. They turn to Kim to help them. She goes undercover and gets one of the dirty cops to talk and she gets all of that on tape. And as easy as that, the charges against Todd are dismissed. Now, I don’t believe that any cop – even a dirty one – would be that careless even with a pretty woman. But, Jane’s client is back home with his family so all’s well that ends well.

Well, kinda. Fred and Stacy. So Stacy knows how Fred feels and I think she’s wisely choosing to play dumb. He notices that she’s watching a lot of old movies to “hone her craft” and decides to make a recruitment video for the firm and cast Stacy in the lead. It’s more than that though. Stacy lets it be known that she won’t be dating until she gets her career into gear and Fred just can’t have that. So they spend some time making the video and when Fred shows it to Kim it’s a bit of a disaster. I would call it porn, but it’s not nearly that bad. It’s just very obvious that Fred is in love with Stacy from the way he shot and cut the piece together. Kim promises it will never see the light of day but Fred gets a kiss on the check for his efforts. At least he’s scoring some points.

One random thought: I had no idea Jane was so bad at telling jokes. Terri referring to Jane’s inability to make jokes was funny but Jane actually telling that horrible joke and then laughing hysterically about it was pretty fun.

Another random thought: Watching Stacy practice being a lawyer – then slipping up and throwing medical terms into her speech – was pretty funny. She’s such great comic relief.

Only one more episode before the 2-hour season finale. I’m excited. How about you?

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