Monday, July 12, 2010

Snap Judgment_The Glades by Tina Charles

I'm not having any luck with TV series featuring short, catchy titles this summer. I wanted to continue to satiate my love for vampire shows by getting sucked into ABC's The Gates. Didn't happen. Then I turned my attention to the wannabe gritty police drama on CBS called The Bridge. The jury's still out on that one. Now I've given A&E's The Glades a chance. And all it did is make me long for the days when USA Network's Silk Stalkings was on. If I want to see police officers investigate murders in a pretty Florida town that features the word "Palm" in it, Silk Stalkings (SS) is for me. Chris and Rita made solving crimes in Palm Beach sizzle. Palm Glade is the setting for A&E's newest original series. And where SS provided lots of colorful (do you remember the clothes Lance and Lorenzo wore?) flavor, The Glades is just dull. I only made it seventeen minutes into the pilot before hitting delete. I get the sense A&E is trying for a fun USA Network-type show, but unfortunately, this doesn't cut it. The lead character is Detective Jim Longworth. He's a tough Chicago cop living in Palm Glade after he parted ways with his boss. It seems he accused Jim of sleeping with his wife. He's a loner. He's out of his element. He's constantly sarcastic and doesn't take life seriously. He rather be playing golf than working. I just wish this character wasn't as cliched as he comes off. This is the pilot so immediately Det. Jim has to try and drum up some chemistry with a nurse (played by Lost's Nikki aka Kiele Sanchez). I don't know. Sometimes it takes time for chemistry to percolate but I normally like to see some sort of spark right away, something that lets me know that maybe I'm not feeling them now, but there's potential for a connection down the road. All I'm sensing between the cop and the nurse is a flatline. I'm glad the first episode did really well for A&E in the ratings, but time will tell if this success will continue. If you want fun in your summer shows just tune into TNT's Leverage or USA Network's White Collar.

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