Sunday, August 8, 2010

Random Thoughts on Mad Men: The Good News by Kara Howland

Gentleman, shall we begin 1965?

Christina Hendricks' Joan. What an interesting character. She goes to the doctor to make sure everything is in working order for whenever she and her husband decide to start adding to their family. Not only do we learn that Joan’s had two abortions but we also learn that she doesn’t trust her husband’s medical skills. When she cuts herself badly she wants to go to the hospital despite the fact that her husband is a surgeon. Now, I’m sure there’s much more behind her decision not to trust him. First, he’s a rapist. I think for Joan to go on in her everyday life she has put that out of her mind. She’s kind of resigned to her home life. Maybe that’s why she such a take charge kind of girl at work. And second, she has no idea when he’ll be shipped off to basic training. After that, he can be sent to Vietnam at any time. Whether or not she has any intention of starting a family with this man – and it seems like she does – there’s real hesitation here. Maybe part of her is realizing what a mistake it would be to settle for this guy. It will be interesting to see how this all plays out.

Jon Hamm’s Don. What a debauched character. He’s been on a downward spiral so far this season and in some ways I think he’s hit rock bottom tonight. He learns that the first Mrs. Don Draper has cancer but she doesn’t know about it. I still can’t believe there was a time – and in the not so distant past – when doctors weren’t required to tell their patients what was going on with their own bodies. Anna has a right to know. If the cancer is as advanced as everyone seems to think it is, doesn’t she have a right to know so she can live her last weeks or months how she sees fit? I don’t think Don will get to bring his kids out to see her for Easter. I’m sure she’ll be long gone by then. And how many people will Don corrupt before he wakes up and tries to be a better man? Not only was I embarrassed – for both him and Stephanie – when he made a move on her niece but I was a little appalled. I know she’s in college. I know it’s 1964. But really? Will Don try to have sex with every single woman he meets? And what about Lane? At first I liked that they were doing some male bonding. It’s nice to see Lane lighten up a bit. He’s always so serious and dour all the time. And even if his marriage is breaking up, I don’t really think that’s a reason for Don to introduce him to a prostitute. I’m sure it was accepted back then but that doesn’t make it ok. Lane wanted a distraction and he certainly got one.

What will 1965 bring to our favorite characters? We'll have to wait and find out.

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