There's lots of TV to discuss this summer season: new and returning shows; shows I put off watching during the regular season; and TV Series I've been wanting to watch but never had the time to before. Plus, Fall TV news that breaks this summer.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Royal Pains: Thursday June 3rd on USA Network @ 10/9C
Friday, May 28, 2010
So You Think You Can Dance Auditions: May 27, 2010 by mjcc64
Photo Credit: Jeff Neira/FOX
This is my first blog entry for The Summer TV Blog. I will be covering the So You Think You Can Dance (SYTYCD) audition phase and then another blogger will take over for Vegas and the rest of the season. First off let me say I am happy that SYTYCD is back as a summer reality show. It was always meant for the summer and Fox trying to bring it into the fall schedule did not do it justice so hooray for it being back where it belongs.
I have to mention very quickly: Love! Love! Love! Cat Deeley. It is so refreshing to see a host who loves the show as much as everyone else. She should be nominated for an Emmy!!!
Teddy Tedholm – I am so happy to see him back after not getting through during the Season 6 Vegas section. He took a different approach this year and presented himself more seriously and he had an outstanding audition. Nigel sent him straight through to Vegas. Hopefully he will keep this new attitude because I really think he deserves a spot in the Top 10.
One of the things that bothered me though
One of the bad dancers that stood out to me was the Biohazard Remediation Technician Scott Vogel. The fact that he showed up to dance in jeans let me know right away he was not a serious contender. I picture him being very popular at the country line dancing bar in his city and everyone telling him what a great dancer he is and that was enough for him to decide to audition. It is a good thing he says he loves his day job.
In Day 2 of New York
They seemed to cover more bad dancers than good. There was one dancer I thought might get through but she did not do well in the choreography round and she was eliminated. Candace Craig tried to play up her super sexiness but the judges told her to tone it down. Unfortunately that did not help her to get through to Vegas because they felt she did not have enough technique. I hope she does audition again. I thought she had some potential but she seemed a little bitter.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
NCIS Finale: Rule Fifty-One

Photo credit: Jordin Althaus/CBS
Sometimes it's like the writers of NCIS make it seem like the characters are speaking in code where I have no idea what is being said but I know that it's significant. And I know one day it will all be clear but for today I've got nothing. I thought the Lost series finale was confusing enough
I'm glad the show didn't go the route of putting Gibbs in the Mexican jail like I originally thought the story was headed. However
Gibbs & Vance in the Director's Office
Gibbs and Vance make a great team. You can tell Mark Harmon and Rocky Carroll have known each other for a long time. After all
Gibbs & Vance in the park
Vance "accidentally" happens upon the bench where Gibbs and Alejandro are talking about the mysterious package they snuck into the
Much has been made of the out-of-control antics of one Very Special Agent Tony Dinozzo this season. And he has been over-the-top at times. But sometimes we realize just how serious Tony is about his job
Some of my favorite parts of this series is when "the kids" (namely Tony
Ducky & Jimmy in autopsy
Ducky is clearly agitated and worried about his friend Gibbs to the point his brain has completely blanked. Jimmy tries to help him out setting up the entire golf rant Ducky unloads. It's a simple scene
The shootout
I'm all about action and I wish this show had more of it. So the shootout to me is great (although too brief) and McGee
Ziva becomes citizen
I actually like the dynamic Tony and Ziva have going on all episode long. They're playful without being really mean. You can tell Tony's just kidding when he's saying he's disappointed in his country for letting Ziva become a citizen. He promises he'll be by her side at the ceremony but because he's sent on a mission he's not. Ziva looks over and laments the fact both Tony and Gibbs aren't there.
M. Allison Hart
I'm wondering why Ms. Hart is even in this episode. She doesn't really play an integral part other than the fact she had her hands on Abby's report on Hernandez. And she turns it over to Gibbs. So she's showing her loyalty to Gibbs and admitting she backed the wrong man? I do like the fact she basically tells Gibbs all this brouhaha over what he did in the past; if everything had gone through the proper channels
Mike Franks
Poor Mike gets his finger cut off. The crafty veteran escapes the shootout but we don't see him until the very end when he gets the jump on Dinozzo. Tony's mission is to observe Alejandro and report
Colonel Bell
When Robert Patrick first appeared as Colonel Bell
Paloma Reynosa
I knew I had seen Jacqueline Obradors (Paloma) before. She was on NYPD Blue towards the end of the series. I think her detective character was even involved with Mark-Paul Gosselaar's character for a little bit.
McGee and Vance
Vance has always preferred agents like McGee over agents like Dinozzo. He once again turned to McGee to help him out. For some reason I feel like he's going to continue turning to McGee next season. However
I liked "Rule Fifty-One." It was at times intense and dramatic and even fun and as he's done so often at the end of this season